


Act Local: It’s Your Turn! Step up to local service


Dog Officer Needed! Inquire at Town Clerk’s Office


  • LCPC Rep Needed! The Lamoille County Planning Commission Board of Directors is made up of representatives from the 15 municipalities in the county.  Currently, we need an Eden resident to represent us! They meet the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm.  If you are interested, please contact or call 802-635-2528.
  • Eden Energy Committee: EEC is in need of your energy! There are two open seats on this committee.  The EEC is currently looking into the possibility of getting a solar array set up across from the Town Beach on Rte. 100.  Now is a great time to get involved! Call Craig Kneeland at (802) 635-2776 or email for more info!



If interested in serving on a town committee, please submit a letter of interest to the Select Board or call the town office.