- 1+(802) 635-2528
- Fax: (802) 635-1724
- melissa@edenvt.org/
- 71 Old Schoolhouse Road Eden Mills, VT 05653 USA
Eden, Vermont is a town in Lamoille County. Eden was originally chartered in 1781 by Governor Thomas Chittenden to 72 Green Mountain Boys who had fought in the Revolution under Colonel Seth Warner.
Office closures/changes in hours:
Due to low demand and recent staffing changes, the office will no longer be open on Fridays
The office will be closed the day before any elections
Holiday Closures:
Martin Luther King Day Indigenous People’s Day
Presidents Day Veterans Day
Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day
July 4th Christmas Day
Labor Day New Year’s Day
In addition to holidays, The Town Office will be closed on the following days:
The Town Office Will be closed on Town Meeting Day, March 4th, 2025. Town Meeting will be held at the Eden Central School starting at 9am. Please join us to vote on local matters and officials as well as vote on the school budget.
Come for a day, a week, or a season – and see why Eden’s residents call this “Garden of Eden” their home.
PS – did we forget to mention that Vermont (and Eden) typically gets snow before Halloween?
We appreciate your input! Please contact us if you have comments or questions, notice an error or want to have content added, have photos in and around Eden you’d like to contribute or if you would like to have your Eden business listed under our Community Pages/Businesses.
Home Page Photo Credit: Alicia Cannon
Thank you for visiting the Town of Eden’s website!
Eden Town Clerk’s Office
71 Old Schoolhouse Road
Eden Mills, VT 05653
Phone: (802) 635-2528
Fax: (802) 635-1724
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Closed for Major Holidays
©2024. All Rights Reserved to the Town of Eden, Vermont