Dog Licensing Requirements

State Law requires that all dogs or wolf-hybrids six (6) months or older must be licensed by April 1st annually. 20 VSA §3581.

Proof of an up-to-date rabies vaccination is required for licensing.

Newly acquired dogs or puppies licensed after April 1st will not be subject to fines or late fees.

  Dog/wolf-hybrid license fees
$11.00 Spayed or neutered and registered before April 1
$15.00 Not spayed or neutered and registered before April 1
 $31.00 Breeder License, up to 10 dogs, $3 each additional dog
$25.00 Pet Dealer (in addition to the Breeder license)
$13.00 Spayed or neutered and registered after April 1
$19.00 Not spayed or neutered and registered after April 1
  $46.00 Breeder License, up to 10 dogs, $3 each additional dog
  $37.50 Pet Dealer (in addition to the Breeder license)

Regardless of size, all house pets, including but not limited to, dogs, wolf-hybrids, cats, and ferrets, should be vaccinated against rabies.


Shots Available at the Rabies Clinic
Rabies & Distemper
Kennel Cough & Leukemia
Lyme Disease Vaccination

This Clinic is available for dogs/wolf-hybrids and cats