Town Health Officer Faye Cochran
By law, each Vermont town has a Town Health Officer and a local Board of Health (comprised of the Selectboard and the Town Health Officer).
The position of Town Health Officer is over 100 years old and initially involved controlling the spread of communicable disease. Today, the majority of the Town Health Officer’s duties involves environmental health issues, such as failed septic systems, and unsafe drinking water. The Town Health Officer is no longer responsible for Rental Housing Inspections or enforcement. Rental complaints should be directed to the Division of Fire and Safety at
Town Health Officers have the authority through the Vermont State Statutes, Title 18, Chapter 11, to prevent and abate public health hazards in the community. Town Health Officers work closely with the Vermont Department of Health on concerns about: lead, asbestos, drinking water, radon, West Nile virus, infectious disease/epidemiology, animal bites, and rabies.