Town Clerk

The Town Clerk’s Office is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Tuesdays 8:00 am until 6:00 pm

The Town Clerk’s Office maintains all official records and certifications, serves as the local election authority and registrar for voters, issues licenses and permits, and collects a range of fees, including for business licenses and permits and real estate transfer taxes.

No appointments are necessary for land records research during normal office hours. If you have questions, please contact us.

Marriage License Form

911 Address Form 2023

Request copy of Birth Certificate

Voter Registration

Excess Weight Permit

Town Clerk & Treasurer:
Melissa Whitcomb

Assistant Town Clerk and Treasurer



Phone: (802) 635-2528
Fax: (802) 635-1724

Mailing Address:  71 Old Schoolhouse Road
Eden Mills, VT  05653